CV of Care


Curriculum Veto by Art Goss, Mistral and, Amsterdam, NL

On the CV of Care, Staci Bu Shea responds to the abbreviated, referential style of a CV with autobiographical, poetic reflections on the past and passing, on presence and the present. For the past few years, Bu Shea has been balancing practices in the arts and in death care. As Bu Shea’s work is beginning to focus more on death and dying in a wider spectrum, they offer this reflection on how relationships, illness, loss and grief define our lives. Care work is undervalued and omitted by the standardised and quantified model of the CV, yet when pronounced can equally illuminate a more truthful (and perhaps more interesting) record of one's life. Care is a mutual practice, from which the giver and the recipient mutually grow. And importantly, care work extends across time, unlike the times quantified as lifetimes that are registered on CV’s.